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1. Ukoliko prilikom online plaćanja odaberem opciju PDF ulaznice da li na blagajni ili na prodajnom mestu mogu da dobijem odštampanu ulaznicu?
Ukoliko prilikom online kupovine izaberete opciju dobijanja PDF ulaznice nije moguće dobijanje regularnih ulaznica. Prebacivanje iz PDF u regularnu ulaznicu nakon izvršene uplate sistemski nije moguće. Ovaj proces nije moguć zbog zaštite podataka sa ulaznice koju ste kupili. PDF ulaznica se šalje samo Vama i samo ste Vi odgovorni za njeno dalje čuvanje i validnost.
2. Ukoliko prilikom online plaćanja odaberem opciju web regular ulaznice da li mogu da se predomislim i dobijem PDF ulaznicu?
Ukoliko prilikom online kupovine izaberete opciju web regular ulaznica nije moguće da se predomislite i dobijete PDF ulaznice. Vi ste odabrali opciju da platite ONLINE, a da regularne ulaznice podignete na nekom od, za konkretni događaj, definisanih prodajnih mesta. Prednost takve kupovine jeste što ste Vi ulaznice kupili, a ne morate žuriti da ih uzmete u roku od 24h, jer nije u pitanju rezervacija, već kupljene ulaznice.
3. Zašto neće da mi otvori PDF ulaznice koje ste mi poslali?
Najčešći razlog je taj da nemate instaliran pregledač PDF datoteka. Ako je ovo slučaj potrebno je da instalirate PDF pregledač.
Drugi razlog je da Vam na mejl dođu datoteke bez ekstenzije .pdf. U ovom slučaju je potrebno ići na opciju SAVE AS i na kraju naziva dokumenta (fajla) dodati .pdf . Nakon ovoga je moguće otvoriti PDF ulaznice.
4. Koji je razlog da prilikom online kupovine ulaznica na vašem sajtu dobijem odgovor da mi plaćanje nije uspelo?
Najčešći slučaj jeste da ste ukucali pogrešne parametre sa Vaše kartice. Dodatni problem može biti prekid internet konekcije sa bankom ili neki drugi tehnički problem u komunikaciji Vašeg uređaja, sa portalom banke-payment provajdera na kome se izvršava i završava online plaćanje.
5. U slučaju neuspele online transakcije šta treba da uradim da ponovo kupim ista mesta?
U slučaju da je Vaše plaćanje online porudžbine registrovano kao neuspešno, ili je došlo do prekida komunikacije sa sistemom za online plaćanje pa niste izvršili plaćanje ili iz bilo kog drugog razloga niste bili u mogućnosti izvršiti online plaćanje porudžbine, a tom prilikom ste uspešno odabrali određana mesta na našem sajtu, potrebno je da nam se u roku od 30 minuta javite pozivom na broj 011/20 30 570 i zatražite od kolega u pozivnom centru da izbrišu Vašu porudžbinu i oslobode Vam mesta kako biste postupak ponovili ispočetka. Sve ovo moguće je uraditi samo u toku radnog vremena našeg pozivnog centra. Ukoliko se ova situacija desi van radnog vremena pozivnog centra, sa ovakvom porudžbinom ne možete ništa uraditi, pa će ta porudžbina biti sistemski stornirana, a mesta vraćena u prodaju. Naravno, pozivanje je potrebno uraditi kada ste pri kompjuteru i postupak kupovine možete odmah da ponovite u trenutku brisanja Vaše rezervacije. Naglašavamo da mi nakon ovog oslobađanja ne možemo garantovati da ćete baš Vi moći odabrati ta ista mesta. Može da se desi da neko u isto vreme bude na tom sektoru i bude brži od Vas i pre rezerviše ili kupi ta ista mesta.
6. Uneo sam pogrešnu mejl adresu prilikom kupovine PDF ulaznica, šta u tom slučaju da radim?
Pošaljite nam mejl na adresu podrska@ticketline.rs sa brojem rezervacije i novom ispravnom mejl adresom na koju treba da Vam budu poslate PDF ulaznice.
7. Uneo sam ispravnu mejl adresu, a nisam dobio PDF ulaznicu na mejl, šta u tom slučaju da radim?
Ukoliko ste dobili potvrdan mejl o rezervaciji, to znači da je komunikacija između Vašeg i našeg mejl servera uspostavljena, te je shodno tome potrebno izvršiti sledeće provere:
- da Vam slučajno nije popunjen kapacitet dolaznog mejlbox-a. Ukoliko je ovo slučaj obrišite neke mejlove i oslobodite prostor za dolazne mejlove,
- proverite da naš mejl nije otišao u spam (nepoželjne mejlove), jer sadrži attachment (prilog),
- proverite da li Vaš mejl server dozvoljava prijem mejlova sa attachment-om (prilogom). Ako ne dozvoljava obratite se Vašem mejl server provajderu
- ukoliko Vam mejl server dozvoljava prijem mejlova sa attachment-om (prilogom) proverite veličinu priloga koju možete da primite (možda Vam je veličina priloga definisana kao manja u odnosu na veličinu PDF ulaznica)
- ukoliko mejlove primate putem mobilnog telefona proverite kako je na telefonu podešeno učitavanje attachment-a (priloga),
- ukoliko nije ništa od prethodno navedenog pišite nam mejl na adresu podrska@ticketline.rs
8. Platio sam ulaznice online i dobio kartu na mejl, da li ipak moram da pošaljem fotografiju lične karte?
Neophodno je da fotografiju ličnog dokumenta pošaljete na mejl adresu dokument@ticketline.rs. Po članu 13 Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja i nedoličnog ponašanja na sportskim priredbama: Organizator je dužan da obezbedi da se ulaznice prodaju isključivo licima koja poseduju identifikacioni dokument (lična karta, putna isprava i dr.).
Ukoliko ulaznice kupujete online – PDF ulaznice ili online/uplate na račun – sa opcijom dostave neophodno je da nam pošaljete fotografiju ličnog dokumenta za državljane Srbije na kojem se jasno vidi ime, prezime i JMBG. Strani državljani treba da pošalju fotografiju pasoša na kojoj se jasno vidi ime, prezime i broj pasoša.
9. Da li prilikom online kupovine na sajtu mogu da platim sa dve različite kartice?
Nažalost ova opcija nije moguća, jer bankarski sistem online naplate omogućava da jednu transakciju možete platiti samo jednom karticom. Online kupovina ne omogućava korišćenje dve ili više kartica za plaćanje ulaznica. Ta opcija je moguća samo prilikom kupovine na prodajnom mestu – da deo iznosa platite jednom, a drugi deo npr. drugom karticom. To ne znači da dve ili više različitih online transakcija ne možete platiti sa dve ili više kartica, već samo znači da jednu istu transkaciju nije moguće platiti sa dve različite kartice.
10. Kako se i na osnovu čega obračunavaju dodatni troškovi obrade (provizija) prilikom online kupovine?
Troškovi kod online kupovine se obračunavaju u zavisnosti od naknada online servisa, poslovne politike banaka i payment provajdera sa kojima naša kompanija ima Ugovor, a od kojih iznajmljujemo sve neophodne usluge za realizaciju Vaše online kupovine. Samim tim mi ne možemo direktno i u potpunosti uticati na visinu ovih troškova, koji se obračunavaju kao procenat vrednosti kupovine. Zbog toga su pre svake kupovine svi troškovi online naknada jasno istaknuti, kako kasnije ne bi bilo zabune o tome koliko su koštale ulaznice, a koliki su bili troškovi realizacije tj. kupovine putem online servisa.
11. Zašto ne mogu da selektujem više od jednog mesta prilikom kupovine ulaznica putem telefona?
Zbog toga što na telefonima ne postoji mogućnost odabira kontrol dugmeta- CTRL kao kod računara, pa samim tim svaki klik na neko mesto izaziva oslobađanje prethodnog, a sistem podržava selekciju više mesta odjednom samo preko kontrol dugmeta CTRL, tako da za sada sa telefona nije moguće selektovati više od jedne ulaznice.
12. Zašto prilikom kupovine na sajtu pri odabiru sektora piše ”IZBOR MESTA”, a kada uđem u sektor nema nijedno slobodno mesto?
Ovde se radi o tehničkom rešenju našeg sistema u kom se prilikom procesa rezervacije desi da više nema slobodnih mesta, pa pošto ta mesta teoretski još nisu sva zauzeta, jer je neko u procesu rezervacije i mesta se sistemski čuvaju dok se rezervacija ne obradi, onda sistem još uvek ne može da napiše da je sve rasprodato, kada sistem ne zna da li će neko da završi svoju rezervaciju ili će u toku procesa rezervacije od nje odustati. U svakom slučaju, pokušajte na nekom drugom sektoru, možda budete imali više sreće.
Imajte u vidu da su zelenom bojom obeležena mesta koja su slobodna i raspoloživa, dok su siva mesta zauzeta.
13. Napravio sam korisnički nalog na vašem sajtu, ali želim da ga izbrišem, šta u tom slučaju da radim?
Pošaljite nam mejl na adresu podrska@ticketline.rs sa Vašim zahtevom za brisanje Vašeg naloga. Nakon obrisanog naloga dobićete povratni mejl o izvršenom zahtevu.
14. Upravo sam izvršio uplatu, ali mi nije stigao nikakav mejl. Da li je prošla uplata i da li ću i kada dobiti neki odgovor od vas o statusu moje uplate?
Potrebno je vreme kako bi prvo banka evidentirala Vašu uplatu, a onda poslala i nama informaciju o uspešnom plaćanju. Tek tada se kod nas u sistemu evidentira uplata, nakon čega kupci dobijaju mejl o potvrdi plaćanja. Nakon tog mejla kupci mogu da preuzmu ulaznice kadgod žele na nekom od prodajnih mesta definisanih za taj događaj. Treba računati da je od trenutka kada ste izvršili plaćanje potrebno dan ili dva kako bi se kod nas evidentirala uplata. Ukoliko se plaćanje izvrši u petak uplata će biti evidentirana tek od ponedeljka. Za uplate od subote/nedelje uplate se evidentiraju od utorka.
Uplate koje Vi vršite na naš račun nisu instant i ne registruju se u našem sistemu direktno nakon Vaše uplate, već se tek registruju sledećeg dana kada mi dobijemo od naše poslovne banke informacije o svim izvršenim uplatama na naš tekući račun za prethodni dan. Ovo znači da ćete potvrdni mejl najranije dobiti idućeg radnog dana i nikako pre. Ovaj ciklus može da se produži ukoliko uplatu vršite u banci ili nekom drugom uplatnom mestu, naročito ukoliko to radite posle 17h. Te uplate najčešće se registruju kod banaka kao uplate za naredni dan, tako da nama obaveštenje o tim uplatama stiže tek u roku od dva radna dana od dana Vaše uplate. U svakom slučaju Vaša uplata nije registrovana kod nas sve do momenta dok ne dobijete potvrdni mejl od nas i dok njega ne dobijete, nemate potrebu dolaziti na prodajno mesto, jer ulaznice koje nisu plaćene ne mogu biti sistemski odštampane. Ukoliko obaveštenje o Vašoj uplati niste dobili u roku od 3 radna dana (ne računajući u njih dane vikenda ili državnog praznika), obavezno nam pišite na mejl office@ticketline.rs ili nas pozovite telefonom da proverimo da li je nastao neki problem.
15. Izvršio sam uplatu, a nisam dobio mejl o evidentiranoj uplati. Da li će rezervacija da mi istekne pre nego što vi evidentirate uplatu?
Kada je u pitanju uplata na račun rezervacija neće isteći pod uslovom da ste Vi izvršili plaćanje u roku od 24h od momenta nastanka rezervacije. Ukoliko ste uplatu izvršili nakon tog roka, može Vam se desiti da rezervacija bude obrisana, pa će Vam u tom slučaju novac biti vraćen na Vaš račun sa koga ste izvršili uplatu. U slučaju da uplatu niste izvršili direktno sa svog tekućeg računa ili preko poslovne banke, već ste uplatu izvršili u pošti ili nekom drugom uplatnom mestu na kome se ne evidentira broj Vašeg tekućeg računa, bićete kontaktirani sa naše strane radi dostavljanja tekućeg računa za povrat novca.
16. Kada je moguće doći i preuzeti ulaznice plaćene uplatom na račun?
Kada mi evidentiramo uplatu u našem sistemu i dobijete mejl o potvrdi plaćanja možete da podignete ulaznice kadgod želite na nekom od prodajnih mesta definisanih za taj događaj. Treba računati da je od trenutka kada ste izvršili plaćanje potrebno dan ili dva kako bismo mi evidentirali uplatu.
17. Da li je potrebno slati uplatnicu kao dokaz da sam platio ulaznice?
Nije potrebno slati fotografiju uplatnice, već je neophodno sačekati da dobijete od nas potvrdni mejl o plaćanju. Uplate koje Vi vršite na naš račun nisu instant i ne registruju se u našem sistemu direktno nakon Vaše uplate, već se tek registruju sledećeg dana kada mi dobijemo od naše poslovne banke informacije o svim izvršenim uplatama na naš tekući račun za prethodni dan. Ovo znači da ćete potvrdni mejl najranije dobiti idućeg radnog dana i nikako pre. Ovaj ciklus može da se produži ukoliko uplatu vršite u banci ili nekom drugom uplatnom mestu, naročito ukoliko to radite posle 17h. Te uplate najčešće se registruju kod banaka kao uplate za naredni dan, tako da nama obaveštenje o tim uplatama stiže tek u roku od 2 radna dana od dana Vaše uplate. U svakom slučaju Vaša uplata nije registrovana kod nas sve do momenta dok ne dobijete potvrdni mejl od nas i dok njega ne dobijete, nemate potrebu dolaziti na prodajno mesto, jer ulaznice koje nisu plaćene ne mogu biti sistemski odštampane.
18. Da li i kako mogu dobiti gotovinski račun?
Gotovinski račun možete dobiti, ali morate naglasiti da Vam je potreban na početku procesa kupovine.
Ukoliko ulaznice kupujete online neophodno je da se ulogujete kao firma i ukucate Vaš PIB.
19. Da li je potrebno ovlašćenje licu koje preuzima ulaznice u ime naše firme?
Da, potrebno je. Ovlašćenje za preuzimanje ulaznica koje su plaćene ili su rezervisane za plaćanje u ime firme je neophodno kako bi se sprečile eventualne zloupotrebe.
20. Zašto ne mogu da dobijem gotovinski račun (fakturu) u A4 formatu sa logom vaše firme, kao što smo nekada dobijali?
Zato što od početka fiskalizacije (maj 2022) u skladu sa Zakonom o fiskalizaciji RS izdaju se samo fiskalni računi sa PIB-om Vaše firme, a svi neophodni podaci o našoj firmi i detalji kupovine su takođe prikazani na istom tom fiskalnom računu.
21. Da li je moguće da na utakmicu uđem sa fotografijom sezonske ulaznice?
Zbog mogućih zloupotreba nije moguće koristiti fotografiju sezonske ulaznice za ulazak u halu.
22. Da li PDF ulaznicu moram odštampati ili se na ulazu može očitati sa mobilnog uređaja?
Očitavanje PDF ulaznica je teoretski moguće izvršiti sa svih pametnih uređaja novije generacije. Ali radi Vaše sigurnosti i nepouzdanosti mobilnih uređaja preporuka je da ulaznice odštampate kako biste izbegli nepotrebno zadržavanje na ulazima. Dodatni razlog za štampanje PDF ulaznica jeste i taj što se očitavanje PDF ulaznice može obaviti isključivo iz originalnog dokumenta na kome je barkod jasno vidljiv i adekvatne rezolucije, a ne na bazi fotografije ili print screen-a barkoda.
Štampanjem ulaznice izbegavate mogućnost da Vam ulaz bude onemogućen ukoliko barkod ne može da se očita usled gore navedenih razloga.
23. Da li je moguće da se odštampana PDF ulaznica ne očita, pa mi bude onemogućen ulaz na Događaj?
Očitavanje PDF ulaznice se može obaviti isključivo iz originalnog dokumenta na kome je barkod jasno vidljiv i adekvatne rezolucije. Potrebno je odštampati originalan PDF dokument koji Vam je poslat, a ne printscreen ulaznice. U slučaju da se PDF ulaznica ne odštampa iz originalnog dokumenta koji se dobije prilikom kupovine ulaznice, postoji mogućnost da ne uđete na Događaj, usled nemogućnosti očitavanja validnog barkoda. Ovo će smtrati kao da se niste ni pojavili na Događaju, pa samim tim nemate ni pravo na refundaciju novca za ulaznice.
24. Da li kupljene ulaznice mogu vratiti u slučaju da ne mogu prisustvovati nekom događaju?
Ulaznice nisu refundabilne bez obzira na razlog zbog kojeg nekom događaju ne možete prisustvovati, osim u slučaju otkazivanja tog događaja i u tom slučaju se vraća samo nominalna vrednost ulaznica.
25. U kom se slučaju ulaznice mogu vratiti-refundirati?
Vraćanje ulaznica i refundacija novca za iste je moguća samo i isključivo u slučaju otkazivanja događaja. Uslovi, dinamika i način refundacije novca će nakon odluke Organizatora događaja biti objavljeni na našem sajtu te se pre toga refundacija novca ne može izvršiti.
26. Da li se novac može refundirati ukoliko nemam fiskalni račun, u slučaju da je događaj otkazan?
Refundacija novca za otkazane događaje je moguća samo ako uz ulaznice koje se vraćaju dostavite i fiskalni račun. U skladu sa novim Zakonom o fiskalizaciji RS, nijedna refundacija nije moguća bez fiskalnog računa. Račun ne morate imati u papirnoj formi, dovoljno je da ga skenirate ili sačuvate kao fotografiju na svom telefonu i da mi na osnovu toga možemo izvršiti refundaciju i pozivanje na parametre iz Vašeg računa, u skadu sa zahtevima Zakona o fiskalizaciji RS.
27. Na koju vrednost se vrši refundacija novca od kupljenih ulaznica?
Refundacija novca se vrši na nominalnu vrednost ulaznica isključivo u slučaju otkazivanja događaja. Refundacija isključivo nominalne vrednosti ulaznica obavlja se iz razloga što je prilikom svake kupovine usluga Ticketline servisa izvršena i iskorišćena, bilo da ste ulaznice kupovali preko online servisa ili direktnom uplatom na račun ili na nekom od prodajnih mesta.
28. Zašto moram da Vam dam lični dokument na uvid ili šaljem na mejl fotografiju identifikacionog dokumenta prilikom kupovine ulaznica za sportske događaje?
Po članu 13 Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja i nedoličnog ponašanja na sportskim priredbama RS: Organizator sportske priredbe dužan je da vodi evidenciju o prodatim ulaznicama, koja sadrži: ime i prezime, JMBG ili broj putne isprave (ako se radi o strancu) lica kojima se ulaznice prodaju. Organizator sportske priredbe dužan je da evidenciju odmah dostavi teritorijalno nadležnoj jedinici Ministarstva po mestu održavanja sportske priredbe, a najkasnije do završetka sportske priredbe, nakon čega je briše. Organizator sportske priredbe dužan je da dostavi nadležnoj organizacionoj jedinici Ministarstva po mestu održavanja sportske priredbe podatke o identitetu lica koja poseduju godišnje i druge povlašćene ulaznice, pre početka takmičenja i u slučaju nastupanja promene. Organizator je dužan da obezbedi da se ulaznice prodaju isključivo licima koja poseduju identifikacioni dokument (lična karta, putna isprava i dr.).
29. Zašto je potrebno slanje identifikacionog dokumenta na mejl pri online kupovini ili prilikom odabira da mi ulaznice dostavite na kućnu adresu?
Po članu 13 Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja i nedoličnog ponašanja na sportskim priredbama RS: Organizator je dužan da obezbedi da se ulaznice prodaju isključivo licima koja poseduju identifikacioni dokument (lična karta, putna isprava i dr.). Ukoliko ulaznice kupujete online – PDF ulaznice ili online/uplate na račun – sa opcijom dostave neophodno je da nam pošaljete fotografiju obe strane lične karte ili fotografiju pasoša.
30. Da li pri kupovini ulaznica za pozorište/koncerte/sajmove moram da Vam dostavljam na uvid ili šaljem na mejl lični identifikacioni dokument?
Za kupovinu ulaznica za sve vrste događaja koji nisu sportske priredbe nije potrebno da nam dajete na uvid ili šaljete na mejl fotografiju identifikacionog dokumenta. Potrebno je samo da nam ostavite osnovne podatke: ime i prezime, broj telefona i email adresa, kako bismo Vas kontaktirali u slučaju da se događaj otkaže ili promeni datum njegovog održavanja.
31. Na koji način se ulaznice mogu platiti iz inostranstva?
Najbolji i najjednostavniji način jeste kupovina i plaćanje ulaznica online. Ulaznice možete kupiti i direktno platiti i iz inostranstva korišćenjem našeg online servisa, putem Vaše platne kartice. Platna kartica može biti kreditna ili debitna, privatna ili business, ali mora imati opciju izvršenja plaćanja putem interneta, što većina današnjih kartica već poseduje.
Druga opcija: Potrebno je da uradite rezervaciju ulaznica, a zatim da nam pošaljete mejl na office@ticketline.rs ili pozovete naš call centar na +381 11 20 30 570 i zatražiti da vam dostavimo instrukcije za ino plaćanje i da u skladu sa njima izvršite ino doznaku preko svoje poslovne banke, s tim da ste u tom slučaju obavezni platiti troškove korespodentskih banaka koje učestvuju u transferu Vašeg novca, konverzije valuta, sa Vašeg na naš račun.
U slučaju da se radi o plaćanju od strane pravnog lica iz inostranstva procedura je ista. Prva napravite rezervaciju, a onda nam pošaljete mejl na office@ticketline.rs ili pozovete naš call centar na +381 11 20 30 570 i zatražiti da vam dostavimo instrukcije za ino plaćanje, s tim da je u slučaju pravnih lica iz inostranstva potrebno naglasiti da se radi o pravnom licu i dostaviti nam podatke o kompaniji kako bi Vam bio poslat ino predračun na osnovu koga izvršavate plaćanje iz inostranstva.
32. Zašto ne mogu kupiti više od 4 ulaznice?
Po članu 13 Zakona o sprečavanju nasilja i nedoličnog ponašanja na sportskim priredbama RS: Organizator je dužan da obezbedi da se jednom licu ne može prodati više od ukupno četiri ulaznice nezavisno od načina prodaje.
33. Da li rezervacija koju sam napravio u subotu važi do ponedeljka jer vam sva prodajna mesta ne rade nedeljom?
Bez obzira što neka naša prodajna mesta rade nedeljom sistemski je definisano da je nedelja neradni dan, te samim tim sve rezervacije napravljene u subotu važe do prvog sledećeg radnog dana, osim u slučaju da se događaj održava pre isteka roka važenja rezervacije.
Ovo pravilo ne važi za pokušaje online kupovine bilo da ste odabrali PDF ili regular ulaznice.
Ukoliko prilikom online kupovine odaberete opciju PDF ili regular ulaznica, ali ne završite transakciju do kraja iz bilo kog razloga, plaćanje bude neuspešno ili ne platite ulaznice, ta porudžbina će biti sistemski stornirana, a samim tim mesta će biti oslobođena i puštena u slobodnu prodaju. Kada su u pitanju online kupovine sa opcijom PDF ili regular ulaznica, rezervacija ne postoji, već samo uspešan odabir mesta koja se drže zauzeta do momenta izvršenja plaćanja, ali sa obavezom zadržavanja ne dužom od 30 minuta.
34. Da li neko drugi može da preuzme moju rezervaciju ili moje plaćene ulaznice?
Moguće je ukoliko nam na mejl office@ticketline.rs pošaljete saglasnost da neka druga osoba može preuzeti Vaše rezervisane ili plaćene ulaznice. Saglasnost se mora poslati sa mejl adrese na koju Vam je poslata rezervacija iz našeg sistema, a sve u cilju sprečavanja eventualnih zloupotreba
35. Da li mogu da produžim svoju rezervaciju?
Rezervacija važi 24h i nije je moguće produžiti.
36. Izgubio sam sezonsku ulaznicu, da li mogu dobiti novu-duplikat?
Moguće je. Potrebno je da dođete na naše prodajno mesto TC Novi Mercator kako biste podneli zahtev za reizdavanje sezonske ulaznice. Troškove reizdavanja plaćate prilikom podnošenja zahteva za reizdavanje. Iz tehničkih razloga reizdavanje sezonskih ulaznica nije moguće 48 sati pre odigravanja bilo koje od utakmica u toku jednog prvenstva.
37. Da li mogu da zamenim ulaznicu za drugi događaj?
Ulaznice od jednog događaja nije moguće menjati za drugi događaj.
38. Da li mogu kupiti ulaznicu sa fotografijom lične karte roditelja, a nemam 16 god?
Bez prisustva punoletnog lica ne možete kupiti ulaznicu ukoliko ste mlađi od 16 godina. Shodno Zakonu o sprečavanju nasilja i nedoličnog ponašanja na sportskim priredbama RS lica mlađa od 16 godina ne mogu sama kupiti ulaznicu niti biti na sportskoj manifestaciji bez punoletnog pratioca.
39. Šta mogu da uradim u slučaju da izgubim dnevnu ulaznicu?
Nažalost, ne postoji opcija izdavanja duplikata dnevnih ulaznica.
40. Koliko se dugo čeka isporuka ulaznica/kartica u slučaju odabira opcije dostave ulaznica/kartica na kućnu adresu?
Vreme dostave zavisi od više faktora.
Prvo je potrebno utvrditi da li su svi uslovi za slanje ulaznica na dostavu ispunjeni jer se proces dostave može započeti tek nakon kompletiranja svih neophodnih podataka.
Takođe, dostava zavisi od načina poslovanja i pravila kurirske službe preko koje se vrši dostava. Standardno vreme dostave je od tri do deset radnih dana.
Ukoliko je veliki broj zahteva molimo Vas za strpljenje. Ulaznice/kartice će Vam svakako biti dostavljene pre događaja za koji ste ih kupili.
Niste pronašli odgovor na Vaše pitanje ili Vam nije jasno napisano?
Kontaktirajte nas na broj telefona 011/2030-570 ili u pisanoj formi na mejl office@ticketline.rs
1. If I choose the PDF ticket option when paying online, can I get a printed ticket at the ticket office or at the point of sale?
If you choose the PDF ticket option when purchasing online, it is not possible to get regular tickets. Switching from PDF to regular ticket after payment is systemically not possible. This process is not possible due to data protection of the ticket you purchased. The PDF ticket is sent only to you and you alone are responsible for its further storage and validity.
2. If I choose the web regular ticket option when paying online, can I change my mind and get a PDF ticket?
If you choose the web regular ticket option when purchasing online, it is not possible to change your mind and get PDF tickets. You have chosen the option to pay online, and to pick up regular tickets at one of the points of sale defined for the specific event. The advantage of such a purchase is that you have bought the tickets, and you do not have to rush to get them within 24 hours, because it is not a reservation, but purchased tickets.
3. Why I can’t open the PDF tickets you’ve sent me?
The most common reason is that you don't have a PDF viewer installed. If this is the case you need to install a PDF viewer. Another reason is that you receive files without the .pdf extension in your email. In this case, it is necessary to go to the SAVE AS option and add .pdf to the end of the document (file) name. After this it is possible to open PDF tickets.
4. What is the reason that when buying tickets online on your website, I get the answer that my payment failed?
The most common case is that you entered the wrong parameters from your card. An additional problem may be the interruption of the internet connection with the bank or some other technical problem in the communication between your device and the portal of the bank-payment provider on which the online payment is executed and completed.
5. In case of a failed online transaction, what should I do to buy the same seats again?
In the event that your online order payment was registered as unsuccessful, or communication with the online payment system was interrupted and you did not make the payment, or for any other reason you were not able to make an online payment for the order, and on that occasion you successfully selected certain places on our website, you need to contact us within 30 minutes by calling the number 011/20 30 570 and ask the colleagues in the call center to delete your order and make room for you so that you can repeat the process from the beginning.
All this can only be done during the working hours of our call center. If this situation occurs outside the working hours of the call center, you cannot do anything with such an order, so the order will be systemically canceled and the seats returned to sale. Of course, the call must be made when you are at the computer and you can immediately repeat the purchase process at the moment of deleting your reservation. We emphasize that after this release, we cannot guarantee that you will be able to choose those same seats.
It may happen that someone is on that sector at the same time and is faster than you and reserves or buys those same seats sooner.
6. I entered the wrong email address when purchasing PDF tickets, what should I do in that case?
Send us an email to the address podrska@ticketline.rs with the reservation number and the new correct email address to which the PDF tickets should be sent.
7. I entered the correct email address, but I did not receive the PDF ticket by email, what should I do in that case?
If you have received a confirmation email about the reservation, it means that the communication between you and our email server has been established, and accordingly the following checks must be performed:
- that the capacity of your inbox is not filled by accident. If this is the case, delete some emails and free up space for incoming emails,
- check that our email did not go to spam, because it contains an attachment,
- check whether your mail server allows receiving emails with attachments. If it does not allow it, contact your mail server provider
- if your email server allows you to receive emails with an attachment, check the size of the attachment you can receive (perhaps the size of the attachment is defined as smaller than the size of the PDF tickets)
- if you receive e-mails via a mobile phone, check how the attachment loading is set on the phone,
- if none of the above is the case, write us an email at podrska@ticketline.rs
8. I paid for the tickets online and received the ticket by email, do I still have to send a photo of my ID?
It is necessary to send a photo of your personal document to the e-mail address dokument@ticketline.rs. According to Article 13 of the Law on Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events: The organizer is obliged to ensure that tickets are sold exclusively to persons who possess an identification document (identity card, travel document, etc.).
If you buy tickets online - PDF tickets or online/payment on account - with delivery option, it is necessary to send us a photo of an identity document for citizens of Serbia that clearly shows the name, surname and ID number. Foreign citizens should send a passport photo that clearly shows the name, surname and passport number.
9. When shopping online on the website, can I pay with two different cards?
Unfortunately, this option is not possible, because the bank's online payment system allows you to pay for one transaction with only one card. Online purchase does not allow the use of two or more cards to pay for tickets. This option is only possible when purchasing at the point of sale - to pay part of the amount with one, and the other part, for example with another card. This does not mean that you cannot pay for two or more different online transactions with two or more cards, it just means that it is not possible to pay for the same transaction with two different cards.
10. How and on what basis are additional processing costs calculated during online shopping?
The costs of online shopping are calculated depending on the fees of the online service, the business policy of the banks and payment providers with whom our company has a contract, and from which we rent all the necessary services for the realization of your online shopping. Therefore, we cannot directly and fully influence the amount of these costs, which are calculated as a percentage of the purchase value. That is why, before each purchase, all the costs of online fees are clearly highlighted, so that later there would be no confusion about how much the tickets cost, and what the processing costs were, i.e. purchases through online services.
11. Why can't I select more than one place when buying tickets by phone?
Due to the fact that on phones there is no possibility to select the control button - CTRL like on a computer, therefore every click on a place causes the release of the previous one, and the system supports the selection of several places at once only through the control button CTRL, so for now it is not possible from the phone to select more than one ticket.
12. Why does it say "SELECT A PLACE" when shopping on the website when selecting a sector, but when I enter the sector there are no free seats?
This is a technical solution of our system in which during the reservation process it happens that there are no more free seats, so since those seats are theoretically not all occupied yet, because someone is in the process of booking and the seats are systemically saved until the reservation is processed, then the system it still cannot write that everything is sold out, when the system does not know whether someone will complete their reservation or will abandon it during the reservation process. Anyway, try another sector, you might have more luck. Keep in mind that places marked in green are free and available, while gray places are occupied.
13. I have created a user account on your site, but I want to delete it, what should I do in that case?
Send us an email to the address podrska@ticketline.rs with your request to delete your account. After the deleted account, you will receive a return email about the completed request.
14. I have just made a payment, but I have not received any email. Did the payment go through and when will I receive an answer from you about the status of my payment?
It takes time for the bank to first record your payment, and then send us information about the successful payment. Only then is the payment recorded in our system, after which customers receive an email confirming payment. After that email, customers can pick up tickets whenever they want at one of the points of sale defined for that event. It should be taken into account that from the moment you made the payment, it takes a day or two for the payment to be registered with us. If the payment is made on Friday, the payment will be recorded only from Monday.
For Saturday/Sunday payments, payments are recorded from Tuesday. The payments you make to our account are not instant and are not registered in our system directly after your payment, but are only registered the next day when we receive from our business bank information about all payments made to our current account for the previous day. This means that you will receive a confirmation email on the next working day at the earliest and never before. This cycle can be extended if you make the payment in a bank or another payment place, especially if you do it after 5 p.m.
These payments are most often registered with banks as payments for the next day, so we receive notification of these payments only within two working days from the day of your payment. In any case, your payment is not registered with us until you receive a confirmation email from us and until you receive it, you do not need to come to the point of sale, because tickets that have not been paid cannot be systemically printed. If you haven't received a notification about your payment within 3 working days (not including weekends or national holidays), please send us an email at office@ticketline.rs or call us by phone to check if there is a problem.
15. I made a payment, but I did not receive an email about the recorded payment. Will my reservation expire before you record the payment?
When it comes to payment to the account, the reservation will not expire, provided that you have made the payment within 24 hours from the moment the reservation was made. If you made the payment after that deadline, it may happen that the reservation is deleted, in which case the money will be returned to your account from which you made the payment. In the event that you did not make the payment directly from your current account or through a commercial bank, but made the payment at the post office or some other payment place where your current account number is not recorded, you will be contacted by us to deliver the current account for a refund.
16. When is it possible to come and pick up tickets paid for by payment to the account?
When we register the payment in our system and you receive an email confirming the payment, you can pick up the tickets whenever you want at one of the points of sale defined for that event. It should be taken into account that from the moment you made the payment, it takes a day or two for us to register the payment.
17. Is it necessary to send a payment slip as proof that I paid for the tickets?
It is not necessary to send a photo of the payment slip, but it is necessary to wait until you receive a confirmation email from us about the payment. The payments you make to our account are not instant and are not registered in our system directly after your payment, but are only registered the next day when we receive from our business bank information about all payments made to our current account for the previous day. This means that you will receive a confirmation email on the next working day at the earliest and never before. This cycle can be extended if you make the payment in a bank or another payment place, especially if you do it after 5 p.m.
These payments are usually registered with banks as payments for the next day, so that we receive the notification about these payments only within 2 working days from the day of your payment. In any case, your payment is not registered with us until you receive a confirmation email from us and until you receive it, you do not need to come to the point of sale, because tickets that have not been paid cannot be systemically printed.
18. Can I get a fiscal receipt for the company and how?
You can get a fiscal receipt for the company, but you must emphasize that you need it at the beginning of the purchase process. If you buy tickets online, you must log in as a company and enter your PIB (ID number of the company).
19. Does the person collecting tickets on behalf of our company need authorization?
Yes, it is necessary. Authorization to collect tickets that have been paid for or reserved for payment on behalf of the company is necessary to prevent possible abuses.
20. Why can't I receive a cash receipt (invoice) in A4 format with your company's logo, as we used to receive?
Because from the beginning of fiscalization (May 2022) in accordance with the Law on Fiscalization of the RS, only fiscal receipts with your company's PIB (ID number of the company) are issued, and all necessary data about our company and purchase details are also shown on the same fiscal invoice.
21. Is it possible to enter the game with a photo of the season ticket?
Due to possible misuse, it is not possible to use the photo of the season ticket to enter the hall.
22. Do I have to print the PDF ticket or can it be read from a mobile device at the entrance?
It is theoretically possible to read PDF tickets from all smart devices of the latest generation. But for your safety and the unreliability of mobile devices, it is recommended that you print the tickets to avoid unnecessary delays at the entrances. An additional reason for printing PDF tickets is that the reading of the PDF ticket can be done exclusively from the original document on which the barcode is clearly visible and of adequate resolution, and not based on a photo or print screen of the barcode.
By printing the ticket, you avoid the possibility of being denied entry if the barcode cannot be read due to the reasons mentioned above.
24. Can I return purchased tickets in case I cannot attend an event?
Tickets are non-refundable regardless of the reason you are unable to attend an event, except in the event of cancellation of the event, in which case only the nominal value of the tickets will be refunded.
25. In what case can tickets be returned-refunded?
Returning tickets and refunding money for them is possible only and exclusively in case of event cancellation. The conditions, dynamics and method of money refunds will be published on our website after the decision of the Event Organizer, and money refunds cannot be made before that.
26. Can the money be refunded if I do not have a fiscal receipt, in case the event is cancelled?
Refunds for canceled events are only possible if you submit a fiscal receipt along with the refundable tickets. In accordance with the new Law on Fiscalization of the RS, no refund is possible without a fiscal receipt. You don't have to have the receipt in paper form, it is enough to scan it or save it as a photo on your phone and on that basis we can make a refund and refer to the parameters from your receipt, in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Fiscalization of the RS.
27. At what value is the money refunded from the purchased tickets?
Money refunds are made at the nominal value of the tickets only in case of cancellation of the event. The refund of only the nominal value of the tickets is made for the reason that every purchase made has already used the Ticketline service, whether you bought the tickets via the online service or by direct payment to the account or at one of the sales points.
28. Why do I have to give you an identity document for inspection or send a photo of the identification document to your e-mail when buying tickets for sports events?
According to Article 13 of the Law on Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sporting Events of the RS: The organizer of the sporting event is obliged to keep a record of the tickets sold, which contains: first and last name, JMBG or travel document number (if it is a foreigner) of the person to whom the tickets are sold. The organizer of the sports event is obliged to submit the records immediately to the territorially competent unit of the Ministry for the place of the sports event, and at the latest until the end of the sports event, after which it is deleted.
The organizer of the sports event is obliged to submit to the competent organizational unit of the Ministry at the venue of the sports event the identity data of the persons who have annual and other preferential tickets, before the start of the competition and in case of a change. The organizer is obliged to ensure that tickets are sold exclusively to persons who have an identification document (identity card, travel document, etc.).
29. Why is it necessary to send you an identification document via email, when shopping online or when choosing to have tickets delivered to my home address?
According to Article 13 of the Law on Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events of the RS: The organizer is obliged to ensure that tickets are sold exclusively to persons who have an identification document (identity card, travel document, etc.). If you buy tickets online - PDF tickets or online/payment on account - with delivery option, it is necessary to send us a photo of both sides of the ID card or a passport photo.
30. When buying tickets for theatres/concerts/fairs, do I have to provide you with a personal identification document for inspection or send it by email?
In order to buy tickets for all types of events that are not sports events, it is not necessary to provide us with a photo of an identification document. You only need to leave us the basic information: first and last name, phone number and email address, so that we can contact you in case the event is canceled or the date of its holding is changed.
31. How can tickets be paid from abroad?
The best and simplest way is to buy and pay for tickets online. You can buy tickets and pay directly from abroad using our online service, through your payment card. A payment card can be credit or debit, private or business, but it must have the option of making payments via the Internet, which most of today's cards already have. Another option: You need to make a ticket reservation, and then send us an email to office@ticketline.rs or call our call center at +381 11 20 30 570 and ask us to send you instructions for foreign payment and to make the international remittance through your business bank, with the fact that in that case you are obliged to pay the costs of correspondent banks that participate in the transfer of your money, currency conversion, from your account to ours. In the case of payment by a legal entity from abroad, the procedure is the same.
First make a reservation, and then send us an email to office@ticketline.rs or call our call center at +381 11 20 30 570 and ask us to provide you with instructions for foreign payment, with the fact that in the case of legal entities from abroad it should be emphasized that is a legal entity and provide us with information about the company in order to send you a foreign proforma invoice on the basis of which you make the payment from abroad.
32. Why can't I buy more than 4 tickets?
According to Article 13 of the Law on Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events of the RS: The organizer is obliged to ensure that no more than a total of four tickets can be sold to one person, regardless of the method of sale.
33. Is the reservation I made on Saturday valid until Monday as all your outlets are closed on Sundays?
Regardless of the fact that some of our sales points work on Sundays, it is systemically defined that Sunday is a non-working day, and therefore all reservations made on Saturday are valid until the first following working day, unless the event takes place before the expiration of the reservation validity period.
This rule does not apply to online purchase attempts whether you have selected PDF or regular tickets.
If you choose the PDF or regular ticket option during online purchase, but do not complete the transaction to the end for any reason, the payment is unsuccessful or you do not pay for the tickets, that order will be systemically canceled, and therefore the seats will be freed up and released for free sale. When it comes to online purchases with the option of PDF or regular tickets, there is no reservation, but only the successful selection of seats that are kept occupied until the moment of payment, but with the obligation to stay no longer than 30 minutes.
34. Can someone else collect my reservation or my paid tickets?
It is possible if you send us your consent to the e-mail office@ticketline.rsthat another person can collect your reserved or paid tickets. The consent must be sent from the email address to which the reservation was sent from our system, all in order to prevent possible abuses
35. Can I extend my reservation?
The reservation is valid for 24 hours and cannot be extended.
36. I lost my season ticket, can I get a new duplicate?
It is possible. You need to come to our sales point TC Novi Mercator in order to submit a request for the reissuance of a season ticket. You pay the reissuance costs when you submit your reissuance request. For technical reasons, reissuing of season tickets is not possible 48 hours before the playing of any of the matches during a championship.
37. Can I exchange my ticket for another event?
Tickets from one event cannot be exchanged for another event.
38. Can I buy a ticket with a photo of my parents' ID card, and I'm not 16 years old?
You cannot buy a ticket without the presence of an adult if you are under 16 years old. Pursuant to the Law on the Prevention of Violence and Misbehavior at Sports Events of the RS, persons under the age of 16 cannot buy a ticket on their own or attend a sports event without an adult companion.
39. What can I do if I lose my daily ticket?
Unfortunately, there is no option to issue duplicate daily tickets.
40. How long does it take for tickets/cards to be delivered if I choose the option to deliver tickets/cards to my home address?
Delivery time depends on several factors. First, it is necessary to determine whether all the conditions for sending tickets for delivery have been met, because the delivery process can only begin after completing all the necessary data.
Also, the delivery depends on the way of doing business and the rules of the courier service through which the delivery is made. Standard delivery time is from three to ten working days.
If there is a large number of requests, please be patient. Tickets/cards will certainly be delivered to you before the event for which you purchased them.
You did not find the answer to your question or it was not clearly written?
Contact us at phone number 011/2030-570 or in writing at office@ticketline.rs